*** NOTICE ***


The ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology
web site is no longer in operation.


The United States Department of Education continues to offer the


ERIC Database




All ERIC Clearinghouses plus AskERIC will be closed permanently as of December 31, 2003.


In January 2004, the Department of Education will implement a reengineering plan for ERIC. The new ERIC mission continues the core function of providing a centralized bibliographic database of journal articles and other published and unpublished education materials. It enhances the database by adding free full text and electronic links to commercial sources and by making it easy to use and up to date.


From January 2004 until the new ERIC model for acquiring education literature is developed later in 2004, no new materials will be received and accepted for the database. However, the ERIC database will continue to grow, as thousands of documents selected by the ERIC clearinghouses throughout 2003 will be added. When the new model is ready later in 2004, the new ERIC contractor will communicate with publishers, education organizations, and other database contributors to add publications and materials released from January 2004 forward.


Please use:

www.eric.ed.gov to


§         Search the ERIC database.

§         Search the ERIC Calendar of Education-Related Conferences.

§         Link to the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) to purchase ERIC full-text documents.

§         Link to the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility to purchase ERIC tapes and tools.

§         Stay up-to-date about the ERIC transition to a new contractor and model.

Archived version of the site:

Home > Librarianship

Library Policy

AskERIC Responses | Internet Sites

AskERIC Responses:

* Do you have information on library policies?
https://askeric.org/cgi-bin/printresponses.cgi/Virtual/Qa/archives/ Librarianship/Library_Policy/policy.html

Internet Sites:

* Libraries and the Patriot Legislation
The USA PATRIOT Act broadly expands law enforcement's surveillance and investigative powers. To provide guidance to libraries ALA provides the following materials to offer guidance and suggestions how libraries should respond if law enforcement "knocks at the door."

* Library Bill of Rights
This site includes the American Library Association's Library of Bill of Rights and its interpretations. It also includes links to other ALA documents on intellectual freedom.

* Other ALA Policies, Procedures, Resolutions, and Guidelines Protecting the Freedom to Read
Includes links to policies on access, library resources, user behavior, confidentiality, and governmental intimidation.
https://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Our_Association/Offices/ Intellectual_Freedom3/Statements_and_Policies/Statements_and_Policies.htm

* Information Policy: General Resources
A collection of resources provided by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

* AASL Position Statements
Position statements adopted by the American Association of School Librarians. These statements cover access, confidentiality, staffing, scheduling, the role of school libraries and media specialists.

* ALIA Policy Statements
These policies were created by the Australian Library and Information Association.

* EDUCAUSE Information Resources Library Policy Issues
Links to policies created by higher education institutions. https://www.educause.edu/asp/doclib/detail_docs.asp?Detail_ID=3

* Policy Writing for Teacher Librarians
This site includes information on developing policies for a school resource center.

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