*** NOTICE ***
The ERIC Clearinghouse on
Information & Technology
web site is no longer in operation.
The United States Department of Education continues to offer the
ERIC Database
All ERIC Clearinghouses plus AskERIC will be closed permanently as of December 31, 2003.
In January 2004, the Department of Education will implement a reengineering plan for ERIC. The new ERIC mission continues the core function of providing a centralized bibliographic database of journal articles and other published and unpublished education materials. It enhances the database by adding free full text and electronic links to commercial sources and by making it easy to use and up to date.
From January 2004 until the new ERIC model for acquiring education literature is developed later in 2004, no new materials will be received and accepted for the database. However, the ERIC database will continue to grow, as thousands of documents selected by the ERIC clearinghouses throughout 2003 will be added. When the new model is ready later in 2004, the new ERIC contractor will communicate with publishers, education organizations, and other database contributors to add publications and materials released from January 2004 forward.
Please use:
? Search the ERIC database.
? Search the ERIC Calendar of Education-Related Conferences.
? Link to the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) to purchase ERIC full-text documents.
? Link to the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility to purchase ERIC tapes and tools.
? Stay up-to-date about the ERIC transition to a new contractor and model.
Educational Technology
Welcome to the Educational Technology section of our Website! Here, you will find information about:
Educational technology is a term widely used in the field of education (and other areas), but it is often used with different meanings. The word technology is used by some to mean hardware-the devices that deliver information and serve as tools to accomplish a task-but those working in the field use technology to refer to a systematic process of solving problems by scientific means. Hence, educational technology properly refers to a particular approach to achieving the ends of education. For more information on the definition of Educational Technology, please see our ERIC Digest "The Field of Educational Technology: Update 2000: A Dozen Frequently Asked Questions" by Donald P. Ely. |