Submitting Documents to ERIC
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology (ERIC/IT) actively solicits documents from researchers, practitioners, associations and agencies at national, state and local levels. A document does not have to be formally published to be entered in the ERIC database. In fact, ERIC has always been particularly interested in the unpublished or “fugitive” material not usually available through conventional library channels.
What kinds of documents are included in ERIC?
Some examples are:
- Bibliographies
- Books, handbooks, manuals, monographs, treatises
- Conference papers, speeches, presentations
- Curriculum materials, instructional materials, syllabi
- Theses
- Legislation and regulations
- Opinion papers, essays, position papers
- Program/project descriptions, annual reports
- Research reports, technical reports
- Resource guides
- Standards
- Statistical compilations
- Studies, surveys
- Taxonomies and classifications
- Teaching/teacher guides
What topics does ERIC/IT cover?
ERIC/IT acquires education related materials within the scopes of Library and Information Science and Educational Technology.
Topics covered in the area of Library and Information Science include:
- Management, operation and use of libraries and information centers
- Library technology and automation
- Library education
- Information policy
- Information literacy
- Technology literacy
- Information storage, processing and retrieval
- Censorship
- Networking
Topics covered in the area of Educational Technology include:
- Design, development and evaluation of instruction
- Computer assisted instruction
- Hypermedia, interactive video and interactive multimedia
- Telecommunications
- Distance education
What selection criteria does ERIC/IT use?
Inclusion of submitted documents in the ERIC database is not automatic. Subject experts evaluate all documents submitted to ERIC according to the following criteria: education-relatedness, legibility, reproducibility, and quality of content (for example, contribution to knowledge, significance, relevance, innovativeness, effectiveness of presentation, thoroughness of reporting, relation to current priorities, timeliness, authority of source, intended audience, and comprehensiveness).
How do I submit materials to ERIC/IT?
To submit materials produced in the past two years please send an electronic copy (in MS Word, HTML or PDF) for full text availability in the ERIC/IT Database in one of the following ways:
- e-mail a file to
- e-mail the URL for your document to
mail a zip or floppy disk to us at:
- ERIC/IT Acquisitions
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Information/Technology
- Syracuse University
- 621 Skytop Road, Suite 160
- Syracuse, NY 13244-5290
Fax your signed reproduction release to :
- ERIC/IT Acquisitions
- Fax: (315) 443-5448
Inquiries : Phone: (800) 464-9107
Tell me about the Reproduction Release
A reproduction release must accompany each document to be submitted and processed for the ERIC system. For all documents, complete Section I of the form, then you (as the copyright holder you retain copyright of documents submitted to ERIC and can submit them for publication elsewhere.) decide how ERIC will make your document available. You have several options:
Level 1 – The document may be reproduced in microfiche, paper copy, and electronic media. (Check the Level 1 box in Section II and sign.) This option, the one chosen most frequently, does not preclude publication or sale of the document. ERIC will add ordering information to the computerized record upon request. If you have a limited supply of printed copies or if the document should go out of print, a copy of your document from which other copies can be made will always be available in ERIC.
Levels 2A and 2B – The document may not be reproduced in paper copy. (Check the appropriate Level 2 box in Section II and sign) This option allows ERIC to make documents available in either (2A) microfiche, or electronic media for ERIC collection subscribers only, or (2B) in microfiche only. Either of these options is useful if you have a large supply of printed copies but would like to refer requestors to ERIC once your supply is exhausted. This arrangement does not preclude publication or sale of the document. Ordering information can be included in the ERIC record. The ERIC copy of the document serves an archival function.
Level 3 – The document may not be reproduced by ERIC. (Complete Section III.) The document will be cited with bibliographic information, an abstract, and ordering information. ERIC will not reproduce the text. Contributors should be aware that ERIC selection criteria might be more stringent for documents that cannot be made available through EDRS. All Level 3 submissions must include availability information. We recommend that materials be submitted at Level 1 or Level 2 to ensure their future availability.
Benefits of having documents in the ERIC database
- Announcement - Documents are announced in the abstract journal, Resources in Education (RIE).
- Publicity - Organizations wishing to sell original documents may post address and price information to freely publicize their product.
- Dissemination - Documents with Reproduction Release Level 1, Level 2A or 2B are reproduced in full text on microfiche and distributed to subscribers. Level 3 document ordering information is available through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS)
- Retrieval - ERIC/IT abstracts are made available via online ERIC searches or on CD-ROM.
- Always "in print" - The microfiche remains permanently on file at the ERIC Document Reproduction Service(EDRS) which offers microfiche or paper copies to the public
How long does it take for a document to enter ERIC?
The review, selection, cataloging, indexing, abstracting and editing process takes 4 to 6 months from receipt of a document to its entrance in an on-line or CD-ROM version of the ERIC database.
Documents that have been processed by ERIC/IT, but not officially entered into the ERIC database are available in our in process database.
Caution: The resumes in the in process database are the raw data that the ERIC Facility uses to compose the upcoming issues of Resources in Education (documents) and Current Index to Journals in Education (journal articles). The Facility may change some of the data before publication and may even delete resumes that are duplicates or have other problems. In other words, appearance of a resume in the in process database does not guarantee that the document or journal article will be added to the ERIC Database.