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The ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology
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ERIC Database




All ERIC Clearinghouses plus AskERIC will be closed permanently as of December 31, 2003.


In January 2004, the Department of Education will implement a reengineering plan for ERIC. The new ERIC mission continues the core function of providing a centralized bibliographic database of journal articles and other published and unpublished education materials. It enhances the database by adding free full text and electronic links to commercial sources and by making it easy to use and up to date.


From January 2004 until the new ERIC model for acquiring education literature is developed later in 2004, no new materials will be received and accepted for the database. However, the ERIC database will continue to grow, as thousands of documents selected by the ERIC clearinghouses throughout 2003 will be added. When the new model is ready later in 2004, the new ERIC contractor will communicate with publishers, education organizations, and other database contributors to add publications and materials released from January 2004 forward.


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§         Link to the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility to purchase ERIC tapes and tools.

§         Stay up-to-date about the ERIC transition to a new contractor and model.

Archived version of the site:

ERIC Web Links 2001/2002

Internet Resources for Children

By Blythe Bennett

Although there are many educational Web sites on the Internet that are great for children in elementary and middle school, finding them can often be difficult. Offering a sampling of such sites, this ERIC Web Links describes more than fifty that will be of special interest to children in grades K-8, teachers, parents and librarians during the 2001-2002 school year and beyond.*

Collections of Sites

    An impressive group of Web sites and book suggestions for artists and schools of art including Impressionism, Cubism, Photography, and Abstract Expressionism. Try one of the tours.
Current Events
    CNN Interactive
    Read the latest news. Search the archives for information about past events. Choose links to top stories, hot topics, sports, weather, and more.
Health History/Social Studies Literature Math
    Math Forum
    The best collection of online math-related materials. Check for math resources by subject for your special interest. Search the archives to see if your question has already been answered. Special sections for students and for teachers.
    Ask-a-Scientist Archive
    The information found in this archive is outstanding. Covers many science topics, including astronomy, biology and chemistry.

    Encyclopedia Smithsonian
    Images and information about the solar system, planets and their moons, and other celestial systems.

    How Things Work
    A physics professor’s compilation of his students' frequently asked questions. A rich resource for students explaining why and how things work.

    MAD Scientist Network
    Great “library” collections. Search the archives for previously asked questions. Try the labs!

    Visit this site when you have a question or research topic about space. Link to pages about Mars, the space shuttle, and the MIR space station. Search NASA’s hot topics.

    Neuroscience for Kids
    Resources about the brain and spinal cord. Written with kids in mind.

    Periodic Table of the Elements
    Los Alamos National Lab provides chemical information including uses, sources, and history of elements.

    Science Fair Project Guide
    A collection of sites, resources, and project ideas for science fairs from the Internet Public Library.

    Sea World/Busch Gardens Animal Resources
    Animal Information Database. Presents reliable information about marine and land animals and conservation.

    Smithsonian Institution Frequently-Asked Questions
    Provides the answers to students’ questions about common research topics, including science and social science.

    United States Geological Survey
    News, fact sheets, and other resources about biology, geology, mapping and water.

    Volcano World
    The best resource for volcano information on the Web. Images, answers to questions, and factual data from real volcanologists. Written for students and teachers.

Reference Search Directories for Kids Electronic Postings of New Sites for Kids Books with Web Sites for Kids
    The Internet Resource Directory for K-12 Teachers and Librarians, by Elizabeth B. Miller. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2000.

    Net-mom’s Internet Kids and Family Yellow Pages, 6th ed., by Polly Jean Armor. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

This ERIC Web Links was prepared by Blythe Bennett, Virtual Reference Desk Coordinator, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology, Syracuse University blythe@ericit.syr.edu.

*Please note that the resources and their Internet addresses above are subject to change.

This publication is in the public domain and may be freely reproduced and disseminated.

This publication is funded in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education under contract number ED-99-CO-0005. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government. Visit the Department of Education's Web site: https://www.ed.gov/