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The ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology
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All ERIC Clearinghouses plus AskERIC will be closed permanently as of December 31, 2003.


In January 2004, the Department of Education will implement a reengineering plan for ERIC. The new ERIC mission continues the core function of providing a centralized bibliographic database of journal articles and other published and unpublished education materials. It enhances the database by adding free full text and electronic links to commercial sources and by making it easy to use and up to date.


From January 2004 until the new ERIC model for acquiring education literature is developed later in 2004, no new materials will be received and accepted for the database. However, the ERIC database will continue to grow, as thousands of documents selected by the ERIC clearinghouses throughout 2003 will be added. When the new model is ready later in 2004, the new ERIC contractor will communicate with publishers, education organizations, and other database contributors to add publications and materials released from January 2004 forward.


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Effects of Technology

AskERIC Responses | Internet Sites | ERIC Resources

AskERIC Responses:

* What are some of the drawbacks of technology in education?
https://askeric.org/cgi-bin/printresponses.cgi/Virtual/Qa/archives/ Educational_Technology/Effects_of_Technology/negeffects.html

* What are some of the benefits of educational technology?
https://askeric.org/cgi-bin/printresponses.cgi/Virtual/Qa/archives/ Educational_Technology/Effects_of_Technology/edtech.html

Internet Sites:

* Assessing the Impact of Technology in Teaching and Learning: A Sourcebook for Evaluators (2002)
Published by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, this resource was designed to help evaluators assess the impact of technology on the processes of teaching and learning.

* Building the Net: Trends Report 2001
This section of a report by the Software and Information Industry Association describes the influence of technology on education.

* Technology in the Schools: It Does Make a Difference!
Article by Glori Chaika
Education World (August 16th - 22nd, 1999)

* Critical Issue:  Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory -- Pathways to School Improvement
When educators use the accumulating knowledge regarding the circumstances under which technology supports the broad definition of student achievement, they will be able to make informed choices about what technologies will best meet the particular needs of specific schools or districts.

* The Secretary's Conference on Educational Technology: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology
Contains conference white papers focusing on methods of evaluating educational technology, and a list of  "spotlight schools" utilizing technology. Based on a conference held in July 1999, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.

* The Impact of Technology on Learning:  Making Sense of the Research
by Carol Kimble
Comprehensive site containing surveys, bibliographies, articles, reports, case studies, and more resources addressing the question of whether technology impacts student achievement. From The Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory.

* The Role Of Online Communications In Schools: A National Study
This study "demonstrates that students with online access perform better. The study... isolates the impact of online use and measures its effect on student learning in the classroom."

* Technology Counts: Schools and Reform in the Information Age
A special report from Education Week on the Web.
Discusses the impact of technology on the stakeholders involved: students, teachers, parents, community, and government.

* Computers and Classrooms: The Status of Technology in U.S. Schools
This report from the Educational Testing Service Policy Information Center provides a snapshot of the use and effectiveness of technology in American schools. Available as a pdf document.

* The "No Significant Difference" Phenomenon
Bibliography of research from 1928-present which found no difference in student achievement between those taught via traditional classroom lecture and those instructed using various distance learning technologies.

* Computers Make Kids Smarter, Right?
By Heather Kirkpatrick and Larry Cuban
"As money for technology pours into U.S. schools, policymakers, practitioners, and parents must wend their way through corporate ads, reformers' slogans, and academic studies in an attempt to answer this question: What should we spend the money on? The answer from current wisdom, which assumes that students profit mightily from new technology, is to spend it on computers. Two intrepid California educators, after a thorough survey of the best research available, aren't ready to go along with current wisdom."

* Push for Computers in Classrooms Gathers New Foes
By:  Pamela Mendels
New York Times on the Web -- Technology - Cybertimes, December 15, 1999
This New York Times on the Web article summarizes research by the Alliance for Childhood, an international "partnership of teachers, doctors, parents, researchers, and others", which began in 1999 with its first project to quantify the impact of computers and other educational technology on children.  The Alliance for Childhood has published "Technology Literacy draft statement in NetFuture".

* Fools Gold: A Critical Look at Children and Computers
"This provocative 104-page report challenges our national infatuation with high technology in early childhood and elementary school. Fool's Gold examines the real costs of computers in this domain: money spent, lost educational opportunities, and health and developmental risks. In addition, it draws on research to emphasize the healthy essentials of children's intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth." From the Alliance for Childhood.

* Technology Literacy -- Four Guiding Principles for Educators and Parents, a draft statement by the Alliance for Childhood

* Technology in Schools:  Some Say It Doesn't Compute!
Article by Glori Chaika
Education World (August 16th - 22nd, 1999)

* The Computer Delusion
Article by Todd Oppenheimer from Atlantic Monthly magazine July 1997.  Oppenheimer states "There is no good evidence that most uses of computers significantly improve teaching and learning..."

ERIC Resources:

* ERIC Digest -- The Benefits of Information Technology

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